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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Finally, a slow down!

Wow!  So, last week was CRAZY!  I typed almost 100,000 characters every day!  It was insane!  This week is a lot slower and I feel it is due to the nasty icy weather that hit the south.  I don't mind too bad!  Last week about killed my hands and wrists!  I was sleeping in my braces at night to ease the pain and rubbing in BenGay and taking Arthriten for my pain!  Needless to say, I am thankful for this slow down!

Rob went back to school today though :(  This makes for a VERY quiet house, and I am not used to that!  Even the dog is being lazy and sleeping, after she chased her tail for 30 minutes on my bed that is (I think she feels her tail is out to get her!!). 

I am not really sure what to type about today.  I just knew I had some time so I thought I would come here :)  So, lets talk PROOFREADING :) 

I feel like a teacher!  haha. 

Okay.  So, I am a self-proclaimed anti-proofer.  Yes, I know BAD MT!  Anyway, I will admit that I hate it.  Admitting the problem is half the battle right??  So, my anti-proofing attitude kept me on post review (quality assurance) for over a year!  Finally an email that said "concentrate on quality for this next 90 days" snapped some sense into me!  I felt that was an email saying, you have 90 days to shape up!  And shape up I DID! 

I am now FINALLY off post review and all my work goes straight to my doctors.  This was a hard thing for me because I am all about speed!  I have had to make myself take a break after every single file and read it.  This catches little things like expansions gone wrong (such as "This is a" instead of "transient ischemic attack" one is tia the other is ;tia so this happens more often than I prefer).  Anyway.  I read every file as soon as I finish it.  Then, once all of that days' dictations are done for that particular doctor, I read the FULL file, this could be up to a 30 page document of files.  I don't really read word for word this time, I mostly just skim and look for my most common mistakes.  This whole process of proofing takes me an extra hour a day probably, but I am off post review and no longer scared for my job! 

Lesson learned....PROOFREAD.  Even if you hate it.  Proofread.  I have found that proofing even my facebook statuses has made this easier.  I am getting faster at proofreading because I am getting more practice at it.  :)    I think also, my proofing shows me my trouble areas and through the proofing, I learn what to watch for AS I type.  Like if I type "tia" or ";tia" I will stop the audio if needed and assure that this is expanding the way I meant it to.    I think if I had done this during the Career Step course, I would not be having as many issues now.  I blame it all on laziness and the need to get as much done as humanly possible! 

Okay, I am going to stop there and just say, whether you are in school or working at the moment, PROOFREAD!  It is important! 

I am off to have some lunch in my quiet house and maybe read a bit...who knows. :) 


P.S. I am starving, so I didn't proof this post!  I will do it later this afternoon!!  haha.  see...anti-proofer! 


  1. I'm a proofer but have been known to miss things in my proofing because I get a few words ahead of myself. :) So then I end up triple proofing, which is counterproductive.

  2. I'm an over-proofer. I hate to think of a mistake going through, so even though I don't care for it, I do a full listen through again, then a read-only scan.


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