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Saturday, January 1, 2011

It is a New Year!

First off, Welcome to 2011!!  :)   I celebrated with one of my oldest and best friends, her husband, her other best friend, her husband, and most of our kids (Holland was with Rob).  We all played games all night and enjoyed some great laughs, wonderful memories, and just had a great time.   Rob and Holland went to the home of some of Rob's oldest friends to hang out for a few hours, and then came back to me at around 11:45 so that we could ring in the new year together.  It was a good time, even if the horns were noisy ;)  haha. 

I have never been at another friends' home for a party without someone with me.  This was a first for m, and because this was something that would never have happened in my past marriage...I want to post a blog about what I am thankful for....Simply because those hours at my friends' party made me realize how far I have come. 

My freedom!  This is a big one.  I was once married to a man who asked me what I wanted for Christmas.  I said "my freedom".  He gave me an MP3 player.  Once in 13 years, I went out with another girlfriend for a day at the mall.  ONCE.  I paid for that for 2 weeks...my phone was "lost".  I was questioned about everything I did, even a simple walk with my kids around the block.  So, I am very thankful that I can now live my life instead of just letting it pass by. 

My ability to drive a car!!  I was once a mom to 2 children and I didn't know how to drive.  Every grocery store trip, doctor visit, and emergency room visit was with the father of my kids or his family, never a friend, I had to have a watcher.  I got my first license at the age of 31, after my divorce.  I actually hate driving, but I am thankful for it all the same. 

My job.  Just look at today's economy and you know having a job is a BIG deal, so to have a job like mine, which I do from HOME?  This is like a dream come true and for that, I am thankful.

My hearing.  Not only does this allow me to hear my doctors at work, it also allows me to listen to my children's laughter, music that breaks a bad mood, my husband say the words "I love you", and nature which is music all its own.

My sight.  Again, makes my job easier, although I do know a blind MT, but it is not just that.  It is also the smile on my kids' faces, a perfect sunset with a purple sky, a 65 pound dog chasing her tail, the look in my husband's eyes when I catch him looking at me from across a room, and the sunlight in the morning telling me I have another day to live.

My home.  It is too small for us all, but it is warm, it holds my family, we have heat and air, and we have a roof for shelter.  That is all I need.  (although another bathroom and a new bedroom would be a dream).

The nightly question of "whats for dinner".  This means the kids know we will eat.  I will never hear the words "when will our next meal be".  Our family is well-fed.

The internet.  Someone like me who has trouble in crowds can be the person they want to be just by logging on.  I get to be around people in my own way without the panic attacks that crowds bring. 

Our health.  All three of our kids have perfect attendance this year, or oldest has had perfect attendance since preschool.  We catch colds, viruses, and flues, but never bad enough to hinder our lives. 

My children.  As stressful and frustrating as parenting is...I wouldn't trade my kids for the world.  They are all just simply amazing and I love them more than anything in this world.  A bad day can be cured simply with an unexpected hug from my 13-year-old old, a comedy routine from my 10-year-old, or hearing my 9-year-old singing in the next room.  Simple things make me smile when it comes to those kids.  They are my greatest treasures.

My husband...This man has been in my life for so many years, first as a friend and now as my partner in life.  The man is amazing.  We couldn't be more opposite but at the same time, he is perfect for me.  He was there for me when I needed support and guidance, he taught me to drive, he held me when I cried, made me laugh when I felt like the world was crumbling around me, and he proposed to me and made me his forever girl.  He also gave me the greatest gift any man can give a woman, he gave me a daughter who is not of my blood but grew in my heart.  Every day I am thankful for him.  It is because of him that I have come so far in life.  He has made me stronger and happier than I have ever been in my life.

So, on this first day of the year, you know what I am most thankful for.  Yes I wish I had more money, a bigger house, more clothes, less debt, a Sonic Route 44 Diet Coke every day.....  but I am thankful for what I do have and I do not dwell on what I don't have.  My life is my own and the people in it are just amazing.  The good outweighs the bad by tons and tons...If the world ended today I would be okay because I have lived a life in the past 4 years that I would have never expected on that Christmas that I asked for my freedom and it was denied.  My life is mine to live now.  I am no longer a spectator, I am the star player and my family is my team.  I don't know about your family, but mine is pretty competitive...I think we are going to kick life's ass.

Think of the good things in your life as you drift to sleep, you can thank me for the smiles and happy heart it brings later :)



  1. You are an inspiration to women who found themselves in similar circumstance and a ray of hope for those of us who wish to someday find that forever love.

  2. Thanks Renae! That is what I hope to be!

  3. What a grateful and happy blog!


  4. Thank you Sharon for reminding me of what I have! I am so thankful for you and your blog!

    Here's to a productive year as an MT!


  5. Sharon, wonderful post. I love the song in "White Christmas" that says "If you're worried and you can't sleep, then count your blessings instead of sheep and you'll go to sleep counting your blessings." I try to do this every night. There are always things we could want, but what we need is here right now.


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