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Friday, December 10, 2010

It's 3 o'clock, do you know where your doctor is?

I know where one of mine was yesterday at that time!  In the mall, dictating.  How do I know?  I hear Christmas music, a crowd, and Santa!  haha.  I just typed this file and turned it in and had to share that little bit of funniness.   
I found myself smiling in spite of this being one of my least favorites.  

So, a small post for you this bright Friday morning.

Where have Sharon's doctor's dictated from before?????

Well, I can only guess from the sounds around me...err them...but here is a list of educated guesses.  

~The bathroom - from door shutting to hand washing...uuugh...
~Office - yea, a big "duh" one here right?  Squeaky chairs are the worst!!
~The cafeteria - while eating something crunchy I might add. 
~The mall - this mornings fun :)
~At home - cats meowing at me, I hear purring, a huge (at least it sounded huge) dog barking (at which time I cringed from the volume of it), door bell, football games, movies (Scarface anyone?  This doctor likes it!), packing for vaca (Paris, I might add), children playing (and squealing, ouch!).  My favorite at home sound...Room add-ons/construction!! (hammers, saws, banging...you get the picture)..Heck yea, I wanna decipher what the patient has been diagnosed with while being deafened by those sounds!  My dream dictation...(note EXTREME sarcasm).
~Outside - love these files!  The doctor sounds so relaxed, I hear birds ( just totally almost spelled that b-u-r-d-s....*blush and giggle*), water flowing, crickets chirping....love it!
~Elevator - The patient-t-t-t-t comes in today-y-y-y....Yeap...echos like crazy!!
~Treadmill/exercising - these can be tough depending on the level of exercise being done!  I have had both sides of the spectrum.
~Nurses station - background anyone??  How bout a loud speaker in the middle of the whispering doctor, that'll wake you up!
~Driving! - Yes, driving while dictating and shuffling papers.  At one point the doctor ran off the road and onto the rumble strips.  Scary....
~Hospital room....with a vomiting patient, PAUSE PLEASE DOCTOR!  YUCK

Ready for my worst yet???

A hospital room, with the heart monitor flatlining and audio stopping...yea, not a fun one.  I had to take a break after this file.  This is the good versus evil of being an MT.  You sometimes get fun stuff and sometimes stuff that makes your heart break.  

Okay.  I have more work to do.  I hope you are having a wonderful Friday!  Enjoy the weekend!!...

P.S.  I am still in my pajamas!  I have worn Jeans ONE time this week!!  I ♥ being an MT!!



  1. You know, I can't wait until I have all of that to "help" me hear dictations. Some of the reports in CS make me want to bang on my computer, but this is just one more verification that they're teaching us what we NEED not what we WANT. Wait... were we talking about parenting? ;)

  2. Hahaha. Both maybe because my trick to hearing with background noises? Selective hearing.

    I practiced this like crazy! First, I started one of my favorite song, then a game, and another song. I made myself type out the lyrics to my favorite song. I could train myself to that sound because I knew it well. Does that make sense?

    Once I did this well, I moved to audio I knew less (maybe a song I haven't heard in a while). With practice, I now can be in a crowded gymnasium and focus on a voice 4 bleachers up. I practice this skill daily in a crowd or whatever to keep it strong.

  3. This is a nice post, humourous. Today I got my first dictation that the doctor forgot to turn off. The report was under 2 minutes, VR but the total length was 26 minutes. I listened to the news and sports while he was driving (at least that is what it sounded like). The rest of the reports were just fine. How nice is that?


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