Grab some tea or coffee and enjoy reading about my life. If you are a new reader be sure to read my first post here to learn a bit about why I made a blog. I hope you stick around!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One of those days....

Okay, so I have some days where no matter how much I love my job.  I just cannot stay focused!!  Today was one of those days!  I finished up a bit of work left from last night and turned that in and then Rob and I watched 2012 while eating breakfast.  Then it was back to the computer....I had work, but went to Amazon, Facebook, and the CS forum instead...I have all night to do my work, right?  

Tammy commented the other day and mentioned that maybe we would get paid more working onsite.  Well...I am not sure.  I can tell you one thing with 100% certainty...If I worked onsite I would be more focused and disciplined!  Rob says often that I need an office job and on days like today...I agree 100%.

So, if I didn't work then what did I do all day??
Christmas shopped!  We have just a few more things to buy (and I have order Rob's gift) and we are done!  Woo Hoo!  I spent all of my Amazon Gift cards though!!!  This is so sad since I had $200 worth that I had "bought" with redeemed SwagBucks over this year.  What is SwagBucks?  Just a search engine that pays you "bucks" for searches occasionally.  Not EVERY search wins but I win about 4-5 times a day.  This along with code hunting and things like that have helped me buy Amazon Cards.  I saved them all up for Christmas Shopping!!  Tell me I am not smart!! ;)  
I mean, we are still spending money on gifts, but that is $200 we don't have going on the credit cards right??  Want to learn more?  Click the banner at the bottom of my blog (possibly will add another to the right side later).  This will take you to my referral page.  I promise, it is not a scam, and I have made $200 honestly and just by browsing with SwagBucks.   You can also Click the word SwagBucks anywhere in this post for my referral page. 

Anyway...So  yea.  Not a lot of work came out of my fingers today...  I did have an interesting day yesterday though!

I had a 108 minute dictation by "Dr. Runon-SubjectJumper" and when I have one this long I will listen through and get the templates ready and the patient names and numbers put in and any cc: that are needed.  Well after the third patient I started thinking it sounded familiar.  I backtracked to another day with this doctor and I was right!  I had already typed all of this!

Now...I have 2 choices.  
1.)  Pretend that I didn't notice, copy and paste and get paid twice, even though I am not doing the work the second time.
2.)  Call them and let them know.

I called them :)  I just couldn't do the copy and paste thing!  So...I resent the files that they were missing and I slept easy last night.  My conscience won out.  It usually does!

I haven't had a whole lot of work today anyway because this time of year in MT world is just slow as I have said before.  I could have probably asked for more but like I said...it is one of those days!!  Just a single podiatry file and 8 GI files is all...I still have the 8 GI files to do! 

Tonight is Biggest Loser night in our family...Although I got a spoiler earlier and know who goes home :(  I hate spoilers!!  We love watching this as a family while having dinner.  Tonight we are doing spaghetti (extra mushrooms for me! YUM) and garlic bread.  

Okay...I guess that is enough babbling for the day...That is basically what I do when I log on to blog..I just type as my mind moves.  I think it is the best way to write!  I am getting a lot of comments and emails and posts on the school forum about people liking my blogs and I want you guys to know I appreciate it.  I am off to actually work now.  Going to finish these files and then crochet the rest of the night away.  
Tonight...take 5 minutes out of your hectic night, stop, sit down and write your favorite memory as a child.  One that really makes you smile.  Write it down and stick it on top of the refrigerator.  When you are feeling down, take that memory down, read it, and allow yourself to smile and then write a new memory.  You will be surprised how much this will help your mood. 

Till tomorrow!



  1. You did the right thing girl! Again, Mrs. Gamecock is proud of you! :D


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